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National / Regional Events
Adding 2025 events! If you know of any events in the United States or Canada in the time period 1640-1840 that are at least five days long that aren't listed here, please email them to me at
"Five days long" means people can stay in their camps for at least five days whether or not the actual event is that long.)
2025 Events
(Last updated Nov. 17, 2024)
Jan. 15-26, 2025 - Alafia River Rendezvous, 1000 Old Fort Meade Road, Homeland, Fla. Mailed pre-registration must be postmarked by Dec. 1 (2024). Visit or contact Sherri Cox, 321-536-2438, Early registration fee is $70 per person. Booshways Greg & Kim Beisler. No pets. Competitions include shoots, hawk & knife, archery. Also seminars, games and entertainment.
March 7-16, 2025 - Southwestern Regional Rendezvous, Dead Horse Creek, Aquilla, Texas 76622. Contact Chris Coffey, 817-807-0829, or Teresa Rawle, 940-210-2012. Facebook page. Camp fees if postmarked by Feb. 7 are $30 ages 13 and older, $5 ages 12 and younger, $25 for mug, $15 per medallion, $75 for trader and $50 for blanket trader. Trader fees include one adult. Add $10 to adult and trader fees after that date. Early setup March 5-6. Long term and short term camp, modern camp. Public days March 8-9 and 15. Competitions include shoots, archery, hawk & knife, cooking contest, Highland games, kids' games, seminars, camp feast, drinkable pie and shrub contests.
April 10-17, 2025 - NRLHF Southeastern Primitive Rendezvous, 561 AL-165, Fort Mitchell, Alabama 36856. Contact Jim Turley, 808-377-0535,,, Facebook page. Early setup Wednesday and Thursday. Pre-registration fees are $60 per adult for NMLRA members; $70 for non-members. Children ages 17 and younger are free. No pets.
April 29-May 4, 2025 - Bloody Lake Rendezvous, Black Hawk Memorial Park, Woodford, Wisconsin. Contact Facebook page, Yellowstone Flint and Cap Club. Encampment open for unloading 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday-Friday. Camp is closed to vehicles 8 p.m. Friday-1 p.m. Sunday.
May 14-18, 2025 - NRLHF Corps of Discovery, 3 Krepps Covered Bridge, McDonald, Pennsylvania 15057. Contact Don Ricetti, 724-622-0599,,, Facebook page. A learning rendezvous, seminars, workshops, educational sessions. Pre-registration fees are $20 per adult for NMLRA members; $25 for non-members. Children ages 17 and younger are free. No pets. A learning rendezvous, seminars, workshops, educational sessions. Free public admission 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday-Saturday. Setup Monday-Tuesday.
June 20-27, 2025 - NRLHF Old Northwest Territory Primitive Rendezvous, Hidden Hollow Camp, 8672 Richman Road, Lodi, Ohio 44254. Early setup Wednesday and Thursday. Contact Facebook page or Pre-registration fees are $60 per adult for NMLRA members; $70 for non-members. Children ages 17 and younger are free. No pets.
June 22-28, 2025 - High Plains Regional Rendezvous, Pembina Gorge Rendezvous Region near Walhalla, North Dakota. Contact Tony Roth, 701-793-7546,, or Sue Kersting, 701-318-
3972,, Facebook page. Camp fees for pre-registration must be postmarked by May 1. Fees are $65 per person ($75 at the gate); $80 for vendors, which includes camp fee ($90 at the gate). Check website for additional fee details. Early setup starts June 18 (no services). Regular setup starts June 21. Long-term camp closes at 4 p.m. June 21. Check website for gate hours and other camp fees. Shoots, seminars, camp activities, hawk & knife competition. Pets must be on a leash. Public days June 21-22.
June 29-July 6, 2025 - Tall Trees Rendezvous, Jed Smith Mountain Men, Smith River, California. Contact 707-839-3967, Brian Scott, 707-954-6032, or Trapper John, 707-722-4259, Facebook page. Shoots, archery, hawk & knife, other contests. No cell service. Fire restrictions possible.
July 12-19, 2025 - Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous, Lonetree, Wyoming, near the site of the 1825 rendezvous. Contact Todd Erlandson,, or James McDonald,,, Facebook page. Bicentennial celebration of rendezvous in the Rocky Mountains. Trader and blanket trader fees are waived for 2025 only. If postmarked by June 14, camp fees are $50 per adult, $15 for ages 15-17 and free for ages 14 and younger. Fees are $10 more at the gate. Early setup July 9-11 with fees of $5 per person per day (ages 15 and older). Seminars and workshops, kids games, horse camp, cannon shoot, shooting program, knife and hawk, archery. Elevation 7,550 feet.
July 26-Aug. 2, 2025 - NRLHF Northeastern Primitive Rendezvous, 2911 Stoney Run Road, Sugar Grove, Pennsylvania 16350. Contact Keith Anderson, 814-688-1313,,, Facebook page. Early setup Wednesday and Thursday. Pre-registration fees are $60 per adult for NMLRA members; $70 for non-members. Children ages 17 and younger are free. No pets.
July 28-Aug. 3, 2025 - Mackinaw Rendezvous and Trade Fair, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Contact,, Facebook page.
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